Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lemon Chicken

Chicken breasts....enough for one each person + 2-4 more
(I use about 10-12 breasts...usually I use the skinless, sometimes I use boneless)
Boil chicken over medium heat in enough water to cover by a couple of inches, salted with about 1 Tablespoon salt and some pepper.
(I boil mine in a 6 quart heavy pot and fill it half full of water)
Remove chicken pieces when tender and strain broth back into pot. (I skip the straining)
Add rice to the broth...as much as you want...I usually add a cup or two....depending how much I am making. If you want a thicker soup add even more rice. Cook covered until rice is tender, about 25 minutes. Chicken breasts should be cooling.

In a separate bowl beat the juice of two lemons with 2 eggs. SLOWLY add a little boiling water whisking constantly! The eggs will curdle and partially cook if you add it too fast. This is to thicken the broth. When the eggs and lemon juice have been heated by a cup or so of boiling water, slowly pour into the broth whisking constantly. Turn the heat down to low.

Chop the two to four extra chicken breasts and add to the lemon rice soup.

Brown the remaining chicken breasts in oil and season on both sides with garlic salt (or garlic powder and salt) and Aromat (if you can find it). When the chicken is nicely browned on all sides remove to a platter.

Sizzle the juice of two lemons and a little extra oil if necessary in the pan to get up all the crusty bits. Pour this over the chicken pieces.

Serve with the soup and some nice bread and Greek salad. (It goes well with broccoli, too) Don't forget to sop up all the good stuff with the bread. Adjust this recipe to fit your family's size and taste. I always add more lemon. You can hardly mess it up.
From Helen Niavradakis


GrammaMack said...

What kind of chicken breasts do you use? Skinless, boneless? Or with the skin and bones?


Natalie said...

YUM! I have been wanting this recipe for a long time- you made it during our trip to PR to visit that one spring break! I'm so excited about this site!

Natalie said...

Okay, so I ran immediately to the deli on the corner for some chicken and lemons, and tried my hand at it tonight! But, mine turned out a lot thicker than what I remember...I'm tempted to add water, but I like how it tastes?! So I think I just added too much rice. If my husband likes it we'll modify the next one! (Abby already had a couple bites and it meets her approval :-)

nGogo said...

I have adjusted the recipe to show more precisely how I make it. I must admit that it is pretty flexible. I don't like the skin so if I boiled it in the skin, I would remove it before frying. Try to brown it all over...so yummy.
Great to hear from you! Hope your hubby liked it. I adjusted the recipe to put more water in....first time I made it mine was thicker too. We like the soup rather than lemon rice, so I have more water in mine and when you have a crowd...it stretches farther. The rule is usually twice as much water/broth as rice...for regular rice. So if you want it thinner gotta add more water. I never measure and it's very flexible. Glad you liked it!
Love to see you!